
Everyone gets stuck in their marriage at some point.
Are you ready to change that?

Have you found yourself thinking or saying any of the following:

“Our marriage problems are mostly his fault (her fault), so why should I have to make the first move?”

“I can’t do anything right according to him (to her).”

“We’re not fighting, but I feel disconnected.”

Join Carey and Toni Nieuwhof for a free, live Q&A session on November 23 from 7:30 to 8:30 PM EST.  Hear from them how they worked through these and other  struggles in their marriage. Come with your questions!

Register now for a Live Q&A with Carey and Toni Nieuwhof

About Toni

Toni Nieuwhof is an author, speaker and family law mediator, and has spent decades of her professional life practicing law and combining her professional careers of pharmacist and lawyer in leadership roles for hospitals.

Her most challenging work as a lawyer involved advising and representing people going through the journey of divorce. In her roles as mediator and lawyer, she is a steadfast voice for the well-being of the children involved. Toni co-founded and co-hosts the Smart Family Podcast to help people love being home.

For more practical resources to help you leave your unhappiness behind instead of your spouse, Toni's book entitled Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage releases in January 2021

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